Looking for a geeked-out Notepad replacement? Look no further. This text editor for programmers features syntax highlighting for HTML, C/C++, Perl, and Java.
Key Features:
Edit multiple documents
- switch between documents using file selection tab.
- Ctrl+Tab brings the last accessed document to topmost.
- support window splitter to see different parts of a document.
Syntax highlighting
- configurable via custom syntax files.
- preconfigured for more than 100 computer languages.
Multi-level undo / redo
- all editing actions are recorded from the opening of a file.
- any document always can be undone to it's initial contents.
- unlimited undo and redo buffers.
Project management
- manage group of related files into one project.
- remote files also can be included in a project.
Directory tree view window
- click to open documents.
- filter to display only selected file class.
Find & Replace
- replace specified text one by one, or as a whole.
- support regular expression.
Column mode editing
- copy and paste rectangular selections.
- switch between column mode and line mode. (Alt+C)
Natural word wrapping
- word wrapping does not affect syntax highlighting.
- configurable wrapping indentation. (easer to understand the syntax)
Spell checker
- around 100000 words were added in the dictionary.
- users can register new words in their own dictionary. (InstallDir/user.dic)
User tools and macros
- execute external programs with proper arguments.
- compile, execute and test your code.
- ease your fingers with key stroke recording. (record & replay)
Edit remote files directly using built-in FTP client
- open, edit, and save documents in remote FTP servers.
- save account information (encoded) for automatic logon.
Print & Print preview
- configurable page header and footer.
- print with line numbers.
- print with syntax highlighting. (used in color printer)
- true type font selection for printer.
source: http://www.crimsoneditor.com/
hey teh editor recommended by seems gud...but thn teh same is already provided wid EditPlus n UltraEdit...n Ur editor doesn't have teh facility of comparing two files then n thr...but this facility is provided by UltraEdit...try these two editors n U'll knw teh difference. :)